mba tika bilang 'ipa ips sama aja, yg penting di jalani aja, semuanya jdi lebih ringan.'
Jumat, 25 Juni 2010
apapun jurusannya, semangatnya teh botol sosro
mba tika bilang 'ipa ips sama aja, yg penting di jalani aja, semuanya jdi lebih ringan.'
Kamis, 22 April 2010
Minggu, 11 April 2010
kata mama
cerpen (repost)
Sabtu, 10 April 2010
masa SMA kelas satu
Kamis, 01 April 2010
sleeping beauty
Narrator : One day at a kingdom, was held party birth’s Princess Aurora. Every fairy at world was invited to that party. But there was one fairy not invited. Then, that fairy came and smashed everything there.
King : “Welcome at this party.”
Queen : “Thank you on your arrival. This kingdom really will be colorful by birth Aurora.”
King : “Yes. Yes. Please fairies give blessing for Aurora.”
Fairy Lisa : “Aurora, accept blessing from me.”
Puck : “Ha ha ha ha! Why? Why do I not invite to this party? I will curse you Aurora! Go to the hell, you are stupid child! Ha ha ha ha!”
King : “Oh no! What will happen with my child?”
Fairy Lisa : “Calm King, your child really accursed. But I have lightened that curse. Your child will asleep at 17 years old. And the king, queen with other person that exists in this palace will fall asleep too. All that curse will lose if the true prince comes.”
Quen : “Thank you fairy Lisa, you help us so much.”
Scene II
Narrator : Seventeen year later, Princess Aurora and all of kingdom occupants felt asleep.
Scene III
Narrator : Centenary after that, prince that waited for, appears. Because of only this prince that could wake the Princess up, so fairy Lisa then visited the prince. Fairy Lisa gave a rose to wake Princess of Aurora up.
Fairy Lisa : “Prince, at country east kingdom, there is a pretty Princess that felt asleep because a curse of a puck. That Princess only can get up if there is any true prince that gives this rose. And prince that has been chosen is you, Prince Andre.”
Prince : “Ok fairy, I shall come to that kingdom. I will struck that Princess from that a curse.”
Fairy Lisa : “But you must be careful. Puck certain will try to frustrate your effort.”
Scene IV
Narrator : Next morning, prince leaves his kingdom to wake up Princess of Aurora. At arrival at east kingdom, puck has been waited for him.
Puck : “Hey you are stupid prince! Don’t hope that you can rescue Princess Aurora! Because before you are success, I will kill you!”
Prince : “I am not afraid with stupid fairy like you! I promise for you, to rescue her.”
Puck : “Proud kid! You say like that to me?”
Prince : “Yes, because I dare to kill you.”
Scene V
Narrator : That prince is then takes the weapon. A bottleful of rose water that given by fairy Lisa even also a moment reside in the grip.
Prince : “Go you are stupid fairy!”
Puck : “Aaahhh… No!”
Narrator : Finally, that puck dies. His primary task now will be easily to be done, to cancel the curse.
Scene VI
Narrator : Soon prince comes into palace and aim where Aurora presents.
Prince : “My Princess Aurora, here’s moment that I’ll rescue you. Accept this rose.”
Scene VII
Narrator : After a while, miracle of that rose is successful and wakes the entire members of kingdom up.
Princess : “Oh prince, thank you. That you free me from that a curse with your courage.”
King : “Prince, thank you has rescued this kingdom from long destruction.”
Prince : “Ah, don’t worship me like that. Honest, I want to say that I very love you Princess. Do you want to marry with me?”
Queen : “My Princess, marries him. Later you’ll be happy.”
Princess : “Thanks father, mother. Prince, actually you are the one that I wait, I love you too. So, I accept your request.”
Senin, 22 Maret 2010
little think
Sabtu, 20 Maret 2010
reuni tak terencana
Kamis, 18 Maret 2010
Selasa, 16 Maret 2010
tentang DC
- yg pertama ku perkenalkan yaitu, Eva sebagai vokalis, sekolah di SMP 6, sekarang ini, dia kelas 3, udah mau lulus nih! dan, aku ga tau dia mau lanjut kemana nantinya.. sempat ada konflik sama ortunya wktu kita masih dalam bentuk band.. tapi.. sudalah, tak usah bahas yg seperti itu disini. suaranya cukup bisa membuat hatiku bergetar dan kulitku merinding ngedengernya.. dia sempat pernah daftar mama mia di jakarta waktu kelas dua.. tapi sayang, perjuangannya cuma sampai di 40 besar.. tpi tenang saja nak ! mungkin rejekimu bukan disana, tapi di tempat yg lebih baik lagi..! ! :)
- di posisi lain, ada Icha, atau teman sekolahnya menyebutanya Walla sebagai bassis yang sekolah di SMA 6. kelas 3 dan sebentar lagi akan menghadapi ujian nasional dan ingin mengambil jurusan kebidanan.. (hihi,) dia baru aja belajar bass.. dan pertama kali dia mengenal musik itu, yah waktu dia pertama kali daftar les di PCMS, ceritanya sih, krna habis liat orang yang diliatnya asik banget waktu main bass di acara pembukaan PCMS dan perform PCMS pertama kali di balikpapan.. dia punya adek yg namanya ajiz.. si ajiz ini yg sudah perform duluan di acara pembukaan PCMS Bpn itu.. di acara itu main dram.. gtw sama siapa, karna aku juga gak nonton, tpi aku sudah masuk dan sebagai siswa PCMS, tapi aku gak nonton ! uhh,, nyesel rasanya gak nonton acara itu.
- lanjut ke personil lain, Immah atau teman sekolahnya biasa menyebut Muslimah disini sebagai pemain kibor, dan bersekolah di SMA 2. immah juga kelas 3, tentunya juga bakal ngadapin ujian nasional bareng icha.. dia ini, punya adek yg mukanya mirip bgt sma dia,. haha namanya aman..
- nah, kalo di dram, namanya mayang, sekolah di SMP KPS, kelas 2.. yap, dia yg paling muda!! orangnya gede, rambutnya panjang, tpi kalo aku liat, senyumnya cukup manis.. :) tenaganya cukup lah, kalo untuk gebuk dram ! ! hehe
- sebenernya dulu dramer kita ada dua.. satunya rini, ato temen sekolahnya manggil grahita.. dia anak smala.. dan ternyata, dia ini temen sekelasnya temen deketku yg dari kecil waktu dia kelas 1 SMA ! ! huehe, dunia sempit.. oyah, ingat icha kan? icha yg di atas ku sebut tadi, itu, juga, ternyata sodaraan sama mantanku.. hehehh.. dunia sempit sekali..